
Cuddle - 0 to 12 MonthsRed FlagsThird TrimesterDanger Signs of Pregnancy in Third Trimester


The third trimester of pregnancy is the final stage of gestation, and it is an exciting time for expectant parents. However, it is also a time when certain complications can arise. It’s important for pregnant women to be aware of the danger signs of pregnancy, and to know when to contact their doctor. Here are...

The third trimester of pregnancy is the final stage of gestation, and it is an exciting time for expectant parents. However, it is also a time when certain complications can arise. It’s important for pregnant women to be aware of the danger signs of pregnancy, and to know when to contact their doctor.

Here are some of the danger signs of pregnancy to watch for during the third trimester:

Vaginal bleeding:

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy can be a sign of a serious complication, such as placental abruption (separation from the uterus) or placenta previa (covering the cervix). If you experience vaginal bleeding, it’s important to contact your doctor immediately.


Contractions, or tightening of the uterus, can be a sign of preterm labor. If you experience regular or painful contractions, it’s important to contact your doctor right away.

Abdominal pain:

Abdominal pain during pregnancy can be a sign of a serious complication, such as placental abruption or preterm labor. If you experience abdominal pain, it’s important to contact your doctor right away.

Decreased fetal movement:

The baby should move regularly during pregnancy, and a decrease in movement can be a sign of a problem. If you notice a decrease in fetal movement, it’s important to contact your doctor right away.

Flu-like symptoms:

Flu like symptoms

Flu-like symptoms, such as fever, chills, and body aches, can be a sign of infection. If you experience flu-like symptoms, it’s important to contact your doctor right away.

Overall, the third trimester of pregnancy is a time of excitement and anticipation of any of the danger signs of pregnancy, it’s important to contact your doctor right away. However, it is also a time when certain complications can arise. If you experience any of the danger signs of pregnancy, it’s important to contact your doctor right away.

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